The Letter they wouldn't print

Posted by: Stash

The Letter they wouldn't print - 11/06/16 06:05 AM

Editor, Daily World:

I'm supporting Jamie Nichols for County Commissioner. I hope the rest of Grays Harbor does as well.

I read with interest the accounts of a recent Commissioners meeting. Prosecutor Kati Svoboda presented her request to
fill an empty position in the Prosecutor's Office. In the article, she states, "I could hire someone today and theywould have a full caseload." Additionally, she stated, "We are so backlogged, I think it is straining the wheels of justice."

To the credit of the Commission, they honored the request and allowed Ms. Svoboda to fill the position. But, it was not without its detractor. Knowing all the prosecutors were overloaded and this was not a new position added, but simply filling an empty position, Jamie Nichols' opponent vowed to follow his own private budget and stifle "the wheels of justice" from many Harbor citizens.

Grays Harbor needs Commissioners who will look to the benefit of all citizens, even those with legal issues. Protect our citizens and join me in supporting the best-qualified candidate for County Commissioner, Jamie Nichols. Sometimes the right man for the job is a woman!