For the former mayor et al on the radio this morning: Critical Access Hospitals (i.e. Summit Pacific = CAH) are reimbursed at cost PLUS one percent - 101% - UNcapped rates. Medicare reimburses acute care hospitals (GHCH) BELOW cost and Medicare sets the rates.

Math made easy for all the local armchair hospital administrators:

Medicare to Acute Care Hospital: We're going to reimburse you $86 for the service WE'VE determined to cost you $100 to deliver.

CAH to Medicare: We have determined that same service costs us $200 to deliver.
Medicare to CAH: Ok, we will reimburse you $202.00 to deliver it.

Then add into the mix about 80% (perhaps more) of your customers are Medicare/Medicaid in one of the UNhealthiest counties in the state...

Oh gee, why DOES it appear that District One Hospital is soooo much more successful than District Two Hospital??? THAT's "how they do it". But all you MHA's out there, just blame the acute care hospital C-suite and Board members rather than thank them for doing one heck of a job keeping the doors open and out of bankruptcy while providing quality care (check their scores) and cost efficient care despite having the financial deck stacked against them. And while you're at it, without knowing what you're talking about, blame them also for doctors leaving town for personal reasons and others becoming hospital employees because they are sick and tired of practicing government regulations instead of medicine. smh.

Barbara Walters interviewing President Obama: "On what occasion do you lie?"
Obama: "Not too many big things."

Which allows for some "big things".

Self-admitted Liar in Chief: